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Government Agency Employees Would Be Fired If They Tested Positive For Drugs and Drunk Driving Alcohol Levels

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If all Government Agency Case Workers, and so called Top Secret CIA Northern California and the so called Secret Service afiliate Investigators, and their assistants and computer technicians including every Child Protective and DCFS etc case worker where tested for drunk driving alcohol levels and drugs many murderers could be caught as they would be in a detox in Jail and Fired from their job as a Government Employee could not be intoxicated on alcohol and drugs, they would loose their job positions, and no longer work for the Government.

Their vechicles and residences could then be searched for victims they took that they are human sex trafficking, and they would find many dead bodies according to my readings where they live and under those areas.

My Prophetic medium readings say this ring says they cannot be investigated or searched because they are Top Secret Investigators, and they say it’s not allowed because it might interfere with their investigative work they are doing, and they say that no one can do this because they also have Son of God authority and they say they have Son of God commander positions, and assistant positions, and the papers say no one can investigate them or harm them in any way, and the readings say they steal the Son of God jobs and papers for many years, and they do I D Theft and pretend they got a Son of God job to report crime tips and readings say they stole my Son of God jobs sent in 2005 summer and everyday since and before then, and the jobs are sent for Nancy Fox to answer crime tip questions by the Son of God Jesus Christ, as I channel he and God since 2005 and write for them since June 2009 to stop crimes, and readings say they steal all my papers that say Nancy Fox has Son of God authority, and no harm is allowed to be done to her body mind or soul, and everyone is to listen to the Son of Gods words to save life on earth, and she can break a law to save a life, and over ride laws if need be with her Son of God work and so on. My Prophetic channeling has explained this a million times over, and that would mean everyone is supposed to listen to the crime tips I have written for over 15 years that are by God and the Son of God Jesus Christ the Savior of Life on Earth. This is why in Courts and on money it says ” In God We Trust” and why it’s ” One Nation Under God” in the pledge of allegance, and why Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary are well known throughout the world so when they communicate all will take it seriously, and that is what ” Son of God Authority” would be, it would mean to follow their words.

Readings say criminals who are murderers stole the papers and crime tip jobs sent that are to report them to stop them from killing people and they lie they have Son of God authority and they lie they got Son of God jobs, and they lie they cannot be investigated or searched or drug alcohol tested the readings have said, and they could not work for the Government doing any so called investigator job if they are on drugs and driving drunk on alcohol. so if a urine drug alcohol stick test was done on them they would be Fired, and put in a Jail Detox, then alot would be found out, and alot of people could be saved, as readings say they have trafficed victims they took under their lawns and houses that are around what they call in readings ” Main Parks” and they have babys and children in their attics, and under the parking garages in compartments that they molest and murder in Kiddy Porn Sex Torture films, and alot of dead bodies and DNA of victims they took could be found in what they call in readings ” The City Hall Computer Technicians Local Work Apartment Buildings With Attics and Roof Top Patios” 5 buildings on a Street times 9 Streets in many areas of The San Fernando Valley, in 8 areas to be exact says God and Jesus Christ, and in surrounding valleys and in other Countys, and in 10 States in America they use the same or a similar pattern” and readings say many victims they are human sex trafficking are kept in Great Dane Dog Cage Kennels, and the victims in cages and kennels are right under where they were delivered, and they are under their houses under the fireplace area where they pull them up through hatches, and as readings say they have Kids Porn Sons Kiddy Porn Houses in neighborhoods,not far from where they have Local Work Apartment buildings, and they have rooms they call Computer Lab Rooms, with gyno chair child pelvic exam stand rooms next to where they hack, and they have Black men they took under those areas who could be rescued as readings say they force them to rape childen in Black Market Sex Torture Snuff films, and many Boys they call Sons in readings are under Dog Parks in Dog Kennel Dog Runs under the lawns by Stop Signs as its a serial killer sex torture operation, and many could be saved if they were drug and alcohol tested as they would be locked up and then their residences could be searched for victims as readings say they tell people ” we are top secret investigators and work for CIA Northern California and the Secret Service affilates based in Los Angeles County who do in home investigations for the CPS Secret Court and DCFS who have Son of God Save Life On Earth crime tip jobs and Son of God authority and whatever they say goes, so sorry you cannot check us for underwear or pubic hair or alcohol or meth heroin drugs and syringes or for bungy cords and razor blades in our vechicles or charge us for looting or car thefts as we are also monitors on security cameras in charge of safety for the whole entire Country for the Save Life League of men and women we assist” and whatever they say does not go its supposed to be whatever the Son of God Jesus Christ and God say that goes, as they stole those papers, and lie everything applies to them when nothing does and they are the criminals commiting the crimes, and they say they cannot be let go from their job positions because no one can interfere with their work, by stolen papers they ripped off and no one is allowed to drive drunk and be on drugs and work for the Government, it does not matter what job title a person has or if they are famous and a politician, so they would all be out of a job, and gone and then security camera footage could be used to catch them taking babys, and kids, and Moms, and pets, and vechicles, and looting trucks etc. in addition to money they take from bank parking lots, and money they take from mail and by hacking in vechicles they get with stolen money at car lots the readings say, and God and Jesus say many babys and young tiny children could be saved today if they were all drug alcohol tested with a urine stick test that would take a few minutes, and about a thousand authoritys to do it quick at the same time, as 199 are real hated killers out of 5,000 in the two or more lied sons of satan conspiracy who take people to a horrific death, and the 199 are many who are young women and youths, and even kids and older women and men who are pedophiles, and addicted to molesting babys and kids, and teenagers, they are sex addicts needle drug addicts, and drive drunk around the clock on many bottles of Peppermint Schnapps that is kept in their car or tall vans or trunks, that is open containers of alcohol and drugs would be a possesion charge, and they say the shots are for people to help relax them to take them away for sheer udder help, and they are speed balls meth heroin and ajax they shoot people of every age up with, and kidnap them to sex torture them after they sex torture and molest them in their family residences apartments and houses and in their tall vans and large cars they pull them into, and Sheer Udder means FGM Female Genital Mutilation Sheers as Scissors, and the DOJ web site says ZERO TOLERANCE FOR FGM and they call their Sons Kids Porn Houses investigator houses, and say they are top secret secret service Los Angeles Investigators who got a large Son of God job position with authority and they are serial killers who stole the jobs in Feb 05 and in Summer 05 they had their FGM peeping tom steal Son of God jobs, and lied ” they could assign her the jobs because shes so much better suited for that job position” and said about the Feb 05 job mail theft ” they are better suited to do a crime tip job with their proffesional equipment they have then for Nancy Fox to spell words out on a spirit board, and that would mean to spell crime tip answers by God and the Son of God and by many other important beings from heavens as in 2005 I started channeling many on an Angel Board, and spelling words and sentences and many pages for hours by God and Jesus Christ and they lied they could assign the Son of God crime tip jobs to others when they do not channel the Son of God, and God and Jesus decided to give me this job to save life on earth and a human does not decide whos doing a Son of God job, and they lie one from July 05 was better suited for the utmost important job position because they dress conservative and because of their stature, and their life in their community, and readings say stolen instructions say its for Nancy Fox to spell out answers by the Son of God and God and Angels to solve crimes all over the world, and to hire a staff to put the Son of God crime tips in folders and fed ex the answers to whoever sent the crime tip questions, and readings say in Feb 05 they stole an Angel Board job and lied they were better suited to do the job by spy cam hacking bugging equipment and security cameras, and pretend they got a Son of God job by stealing all the mail by their equipment, and say they did not want Nancy Fox reporting how they take people away a kickin and a screamin with her in born psychic gift and planned to take them when they were sent and their mission is to ruin lives of people they are after to all lie and gossip about the Mothers they hate, and to do them in when they are chosen to do that to them, and they pull pranks, manipulate do fraud and lie they have to investigate them when there is no reason to and they place spy cams on the porch over hang and over two doorways in the houses and apartments, and say they are checking into things to see if they need to further investigate a person and family or not, and then do fraud framing, and case the residences out with spy cams on trees garage doors car hoods, mail boxes curbs etc and steal from the familys, and start hacking and stealing work emails, and bug phones and steal work calls, and do fraud and framing, by marking up fact papers they take from the familys residences, and they cut up documents copy paste scan, and xerox fraud and framing, and lie innocent people did something they did not do while they rob their money from the bank a little at a time, and say ” its take down time guys go break in their cars and trucks suvs and take something to start doin them in, and write a bad report and mail it in, keep taking their mail and money from it to wear them out so they cannot pay utility bills, then get a complaint letter on the Water and Power letter head to start making them look bad to build up files against them, and over draft them so a check bounces to set them up driving, and do anything to make them look bad, and keep copy pasting their information, change it and write everything backwards, and messenger those lines 24 hours a day to brain wash everybody as our mission is to get rid of them says CIA Northern California to target sexy looking Moms, and Moms who orgasm that we see in spy cams we place over beds, and we do them in for being the way they are, and our mission is to take the whole family away a kickin and a screamin by setting the nice Moms up to be not needed at all CPS DCFS etc case files to force shots to lie we got medical and financial control of every single bingle family named on our long lists of persons to get and we say tough luck we got the very important Son of God jobs assigned to us in 2005 by all agreeing by thumbs up by getting everyone to vote us in to pretend thats our big important job to do crime tips in folders and say a ha ha a hee hee their all backwards as we do not want anyone to know what we do to them, we first go down on them in their family houses and apartments and in our tall vans and large vechicles in School parking lots, Mall Parking Lots, market and bank parking lots and everywhere a person is and time it to get the whole family at the same time, and lie we are helpin and say we are in charge of persons who are or were or may be a case file, and say they are our Top Secret Department of Health and Welfare Case files by our large pretend case workers in orange and white POD Storage unit offices, and say YES cap on that too dam stinken bad our mission is to make them cum so many times the dam Mom dies as they fly out of their body when they see 89 of us going down on their baby and young kids and teens, and new born infants wow ee we all day hooray got another one taken away too bad for them they should not have acted the way they did with passion within so vicarous and care free and happy go lucky and they should not have used push up pads in their bra or looked in the mirror to see how their body looked in new bras and underpants, and they got in it at 10 years old, and were told that they could do the reverse mission with the underground men, and they would take people underground to cut off clitoruses, and they were told that would stop diseases and infections, and the underground men said this would save life on earth, and they could do the job secretly by taking the mail and pretending, and they said they could sell the people they take to remove organs to save people, and they murder people and others got into it years ago, the underground serial killers fooled them into thinking they would save lives by taking people underground, and they told Mormons they could do this secret job, and that that would remove women from the world who are sexy, and promiscous, and Mormons got in on it and so did many others, who think they are superior and they are self righteous thinking they are such good people, and that is who the cult is composed of people who think they are better than others who had conservative straight lace upbringings who fell for the devils trick to get them people to sex torture them and to murder them in cold blood, and the underground men know its a trick and they lied if a Mother orgasms it means they got Serpent DNA, and they said the world will topple over if there are too many people so they need to remove them for population control. and many ridiculous wives tall tales such as this they fell for and they brain washed alot of young people years ago who are in this cult in their 70′s and 80′s and they got alot of children into this when they stole the crime tip jobs, and told them ” they could do the top secret mission secretly which is for them to take the crime tip jobs from mail, and its for them to suck on private areas to force orgasms on people restrained to punish them for being a very bad person” when they are not very bad persons, they are normal nice good people who have normal orgasms that they see in spy cams placed over beds by the underground men who are the Sons of Satan.

Their Son of Satan underground men have many female relatives who got jobs as CPS DCFS etc case workers to get the people, and the Nurse assistants say they are CPS DCFS Department of Health and Welfare assistants, and computer technicians and investigators, and they all kidnap alot of people at one time, and say ” time to chow down guys we got umteen V Js to eat out, lets restrain them in the back seat of our long black cadailacs you guys and in our jeeps we just got, and in the tall vans its been but probably not so much now as its become way to obvious and they do not die we just eat their tiny clits and vaginas inside out until they all cum so stinken dam much in our mouths til they bleed to death and die to go to heaven so the world wont be polluted with orgasm air, and thats the mission we were taught in 4 th grade to 7th grade years back, and we were told to go down on our friends hot wet cunt, and to lick them to practice and prepare to do that to Moms who cum, and to their babys and kids and new ones and to every age person, and that that was the job and we signed a deal memo to do oral copulation way back then in 07 fall to 09 spring, around then, and said why not girls? we could get a whole lot of money at the end the ledger sheet said, when they said run kids run to take the letters from the post offices after last period class and cap on that hanus word as they will not have a period any longer as they shall be dead and gone and buried alive in the graves we dug under L A and we got that grave memorial map sent to our cells and said great guys and gals we are killing off very bad persons, as we got spy cam shots sent to our cells and saw many Moms cumming away laying on their back in the dam daylight sun of God, and said yuckity yuck back a bad mom”








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